Kicks on Campus with Victoria

Taekwondo at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
Roundhouse Kick (Dollyo Chagi)
Performed by first raising the knee of the kicking leg so that the knee is aimed toward the target, as with a Front Kick. You then pivot on the balls of the non-kicking foot and turn the hip over slightly so that your body is turned sideways toward the target. The leg is then straightened to kick, so that the shin of the leg is moving in an arc that’s parallel to the ground as you are kicking.
Kneeling Technique (Seiza Waza)It is the basic kneeling position used at the beginning and the end of martial arts classes and is associated with bowing in respect for teachers and other students. In this posture the knees are bent 180 degrees with the calves tucked under the thighs so you sit on your heels, toes pointed.
Underneath Punch (Momtong Jireugi)
The shoulder are kept wide open and the wrist of punching fist will rest on the waist, the elbow sticking spontaneously to the body. The arm-pit is kept closed, the fist of the opposite side is pulled rapidly with the maximum use of the repulsive power of the waist, and at the same time a punching is directed toward the height of the stomach-pit at the right center of the shoulders of both sides. The pulling fist is drawn back rapidly on the straight line with the stomach-pit.
Combination Strike (Jebi Poom Mok Chigi)
Demonstrated in left front stance the left hand is performing a high section open hand block whilst the right knife hand performs an inward strike to the opponent’s neck.
Guard Stance (gyeorugi junbi)
This is the position in which you feel most comfortable sparring. Common features across the arts include turning the body to the side to present a smaller target, slightly bent knees for balance and agility, feet about two shoulder widths apart, and hands up, protecting the head. In an art relying heavily on kicks, the body’s mass is usually shifted slightly to the back leg, making the front leg easier to lift and increasing the speed of kicks.
Side Kick (Yop Chagi)
The knee of the kicking leg should be raised in a straight line without straightening the leg. Turn the body 90 degrees away from the target and extend the leg kicking the target with the back sole of the foot just above the heel (foot sword). At impact the pelvis and trunk should be allowed to twist and the supporting leg should be allowed to pivot in the opposite direction to the target by rising slightly onto the ball of the foot. As the kick is delivered the body should form a Y shape and it is important that the upper body is not falling backwards (away from the target) or to the side. This allows proper weight transference into the kick. On recovery the weight on the supporting leg is redistributed to the whole foot and then may be placed where appropriate for the attacker to execute the next technique whilst always maintaining complete balance.